
Hi, I'm Ron

I created this site to simply share the passion I have for these amazing birds. It began for me as a school project when I was 10 years old, and I built my first makeshift loft spending all my hard-earned pocket money on 4 racing pigeons (2 pairs), plus a beautiful white Fantail, and a near black short-faced Tumbler.

The sport of racing pigeons has been around in some form for hundreds of years, though most believe didn’t get formalised in society until World War One, where it’s estimated that over 100,000 pigeons were used to transport messages from the soldiers on the front lines, back to the officers at the rear, with an amazing ninety-five percent success rate. This tradition also continued in World War Two, where between 1943 and 1949 thirty-two fearless pigeons were awarded the PDSA Dickin Medal; which was awarded to animals for their gallantry or devotion to duty during miltary conflict. It is recognised worldwide as the animals’ Victoria Cross.

Today the sport of pigeon racing is still popular in many parts of the world, and it has evolved utilising technology, e.g. using a modern recording system where the birds leg tag automatically scans when they land on the platform inside the trap of the loft. Though, to race pigeons consistently and successfully the key elements are still genetics, breeding, health, nutrition, conditioning and your own good loft management skills. 

There is always something new to learn and develop within the sport of pigeon racing.  And I’m enjoying life, sharing my love and passion for the birds and the sport.